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Give a personal touch to your REWIN leather suit, Made in Italy.

A leather suit is unique ad original ,exclusive ,each manual creation is different from another, no two handmade suits are the same and this makes each garment absolute,you can be sure that no one will have a suit like yours.

it is made by a person ,who loves what he does ,behind every REWIN creation there’s passion ,seriousness professionalism and above all attention to details and 100% made in italy Quality .

It’s handmade from the beginning to the end from the conception to the design to the creation up to the packaging and shipping ,all with the highest quality and professional people working on .

Create a relationship with the creative ,buying a handmade suit gives you the opportunity to get to know who makes it and takes care of you.

In REWIN you will never be a number.

Totally personalize it: Dream designs and creates an handmade suit, Made to measure for you, it means that
you will have the possibility to decide many aspects, Trust that these details are crucial when you go
on the track at over 200 km you won't have to settle, but you can decide the best for you.

MADE TO MEASURE Rewin has always been synonymous OF made to measure ,we know the human

body, the measurements, the proportions, the Can define the lines of your muscles, and we  sew your suit like a SECOND SKIN .